When I first heard about the assignment in creating both a non-motorized and motorized vehicle, what sprang to mind was the Fred Flintstone foot-powered car (and upon investigation, so did several classmates.) I tried to use several of the different sample programs you gave us, as evidenced by the mouse and keyboard controlled helicopter. Overall this was a pretty fun assignment, and I enjoyed creating my vehicles. I would consider creating a game with my helicopter in the future, although I would want to put in specialized touches to make it stand out from all the other games out there. I think the fact that you can shoot upside down does that to a certain extent, though. It took me a little while to gain my bearing on actionscript, but after becoming proficient at C coding it was reallly pretty easy (plus I have a small amount of previous experience with it.)
For the next assignment I am considering expanding my breakdancing game in lieu of creating an entirely new game. Making it customizable (music, clothing, unlockable items and tricks) and possibly the ability to save replays of breakdancing routines (per my friends request), as well as adding more moves would enhance the game significantly, I think. Also I should remake the graphics so they aren't so primitive - stick figures can only go so far. Really developing the b-boy aesthetic should be fun - graffiti, boom boxes, street life, etc.